Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Turkey Bowl

These are pictures from the Marine's Turkey Bowl from earlier today.  This was so much fun and got some pretty sweet shots! Hope you enjoy them! Don't forget that you can click on the images to enlarge them!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


This wonderful guy is my little brother.  I feel way to old taking his senior pictures! There is no way he should be graduating at the end of this year.  We did his shoot when he came down to Pensacola to visit with us before school started.  This was also the first chance I got to really scope out some awesome spots.  I love how his pictures turned out and I really hope to be able to have more male clientele because it was a blast!

My husband came along for this shoot and we had a lot of fun, here's one of the bloopers from the day ;) If you didn't know any better you would think these to were blood related rather then by marriage!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Custom Collages

Tonight while I was wondering around different photographers websites and such and I came across the idea to do some collages.  I never thought about actually doing them before.  They are pretty easy to do and look awesome.  I just made one tonight but if people like them I could start offering them.  Hope you like it, let me know what you think :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

New Facebook Profile Pictures?

So, I've been poking around facebook, looking at other photographers pages, and I came to the conclusion that I really love some of there profile pictures.  You know, the ones that are long but look very professional?  After looking at a few I came to the conclusion that it couldn't be hard to do, and I could benefit from at least knowing how to make one.  Well, after a couple hours of stress-fully trying to figure out exactly how I wanted them and what pictures I wanted to use, I came down to two.  I loved how they turned out! 

I think they look so neat! I love the second one because it incorporates the new logo I've been putting on my recent photographs.  I just thought I would share them with you! 
Nicole Lynne

Thursday, August 25, 2011


This beautiful young women is Megan.  She is such a sweetheart.  When she asked me to do her senior pictures I couldn't be more excited.  Her and her family couldn't be more humble and sweet.  I felt like part of her family by the end of her shoot.  Thank you so much for trusting me with your precious photographs!


This photoshoot was a whole new step in my photography career.  I had just gotten my new Nikon D7000 and was still getting use to it so a lot of pictures didn't come out the way I had wanted them too.  Even though this was a strange and new environment for me I had such a blast taking these photographs.  Everyone was so nice and understanding.  Thank you so much for having me take your Quince portraits.  It was truly an amazing experience.

Troupe Family

This family is so much fun, and is so loving.  They were so great to work with and I am ecstatic that they chose me to take there family portraits.


I swear this girl should one day become a model.  Throughout the whole shoot she was giving me pose after pose.  Shelli is such a sweet girl and I absolutely love working with her!

Jeff & Alyssa...Take 2!

I absolutely love photographing these two! They are so much fun and are always laughing.  We had a lot of fun during this shoot and ended up with some pretty cool shots!


I was so excited when Kesslie asked me to shoot her senior pictures.  She is a very beautiful and smart girl.  I loved sharing stories of my husband and laughing the day away.  We had a blast and got some great shots! 

Even her dog Jersey and boyfriend joined in the fun! 

Hughy Family

I am lucky enough to call this lovely group of people my in-laws.  We had such a good time during there shoot and got quite a few of really great shots.  Thank you guys for always believing in me and allowing me to take your family portraits.